Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Endangered animals: Tiger 7/15

(pics from http://www.gamespot.com) (info from http://tigersincrisis.com/ and wikapedia.com)
This is a Tiger-
He is endangered.

Of the eight original subspecies of tigers, three have become totally extinct in the last 60 years. Isn't that sad an average of subspecies dying every 20 years.

The Bali tiger became extinct in the 1930's.

The Bali Tiger was only normally found on the small Indonesian island of Bali. This was normally the Bali tigers fate. The tiger was one of 3 sub-species tigers found in Indonesia also including w the Javan Tiger who is also extinct and last but not least Sumatran Tiger who is severely endangered.

Too Sad :'[

The Caspian tiger or Persian Tiger was forced into extinction in the 1970's.
The Caspian tiger or Persian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata)

Was the westernmost subspecies of tiger, They are found in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Caucasus, Tajikistan,Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan until it just became extinct in the late 1950s, even though there have been several sightings of the tiger.

And then the Javan tiger followed in extinction in the 1980's.

The Javan tiger.

(Panthera tigris sondaica) Was a tiger who was limited to the Indonesian island of Java. It now seems likely that this subspecies was made extinct in the 1980s, as a result of hunting and habitat destruction, but the extinction of this subspecies became increasingly probable from the 1950s onwards, when it is thought that fewer than 25 tigers remained in the wild. The last Javan Tiger was sighted in 1972. A track count in 1979 concluded that three of the tigers were in existence. However it is possible that it is not extinct, as in the 1990s, there were some unverified reports of sightings

The number of tigers in the 1900's --over 100,000 -- dropped to 4,000 in the 1970's. Today, they are a critically endangered species with the total of all the wild populations of the five remaining subspecies (Bengal tigers, IndoChinese tigers, Siberian tigers, South China tigers, and Sumatran tigers) is an estimated 4,600 and 7,700 tigers.

It is known that all remaining tigers live in small, isolated populations.

1 comment:

Oceans,Oceans,and more oceans said...

that is so sad!!!!!!!!

have you seen the twilight trailer?

go on youtube and watch it!!
