Thursday, July 17, 2008

Endangered Species: Manatees

(Pic from
(Info from
This a manatee.
He is endangered.

These manatees are endangered because stupid reasons like pesticides in the body of water they live in and and motor boats. 1,000 to 2,000 sailors killed manatees for food! This is so underated, so irresponible so STUPID. Soon they were endangered. Also, when it rains, it helps to pollute the water.Which really doesn't help. Since the sand is to thin it makes more pollution. GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!They are dying from speed boats because they get run over. The boats should start to look out for manatees and go slow. There is no reason for manatees or any animal to die from getting runover or shot by motorboats, cars, motorvehicals, and anything that moves including humans. Please go out of your way to help these animals adopt a mantee today at;
Thanks and have a great day.

1 comment:

Ria said...

I love the cute and big manetees. KEep up the great work.